It was a cold, grey Tuesday lunchtime in Solothurn with the odd snowflake landing on the coats and hats of Movetia staff. Together we left the warmth of our office and headed towards the fog-shrouded River Aare. Eleven brave Movetia staff members were already wearing their swimming costumes under their winter coats and jumped into the freezing cold River Aare to shake off the wintry dullness and step into the New Year revitalised and inspired. The others, who preferred to look at the freezing Aare from afar offered a strong show of support from the bank by cheering their colleagues on, holding towels and providing cups of tea as soon as they emerged from the icy waters. Hot drinks and steaming soup were provided for the team to keep the goosebumps and chattering teeth at bay after their freezing adventure.
During this get-together, we took the opportunity to look back over the past year. Movetia has had a successful 2018, with new funding programmes such as the launch of the international pilot programme and match&move platform, successful events such as SwissSkills, the EAIE and the Swissdidac, and the first conference on exchange and mobility, which attracted large audiences. We also received the first provisional results from Zurich University of Applied Sciences on exchange and mobility. Following the call launched on 3 December for European and international projects, we are expecting many innovative and creative project applications and hope 2019 is as exciting and refreshing as the end of this year has been. Why not step out of your comfort zone and take part in an exchange project?
We wish you a very merry Christmas and an inspirational New Year!