Who is eligible to submit a funding application to Movetia in 2024?

Funding applications can only be submitted by officially accredited Swiss higher education institutions that are part of a 2024 application for Erasmus+ funding for a "European University”.

What type of funding can be applied for through Movetia?

Funding is generally available for personnel and material costs of the Swiss higher education institution (HEI) that are directly related to the project, as they are necessary for the implementation of project activities. However, these costs must be proportionate and closely related to the project.

Requested funds must be proportionate to the overall Erasmus+ project and to the role of the Swiss institution in the project. In addition, the amount requested should be proportionate to the EU contribution to the full partner HEIs if the Swiss participation level in the Erasmus+ project is comparable to that of the full partner HEIs.

Can Movetia funds cover 100% of the Swiss institution's costs?

No. A maximum of 60% of the costs eligible for funding can be covered. At least 40% of the costs must be covered by the institution's own funds or other third-party funds.

In addition to the application form , the following documents must be submitted:

In addition to the application form , the following documents must be submitted:

  • A written confirmation from the project coordination that the Swiss institution is part in the Erasmus+ project and what its role is in the Erasmus+ project “European University”;
  • An activity plan of the Swiss institution and (if available) an activity plan of the Erasmus+ project;
  • A budget for the Swiss participation (template will be available soon);
  • A copy of the complete submitted application on EU level;
  • The "Bank details" form .

Which documents must be submitted?

Applications can be submitted in English, German and French: highereducation@movetia.ch.

On European level:

  • The associated partners’ involvement and role in different activities have to be clearly described in the Erasmus+ proposal;
  • the Erasmus+ application can only be submitted by the European project coordinator.

How is a decision made about Swiss funding?

All applications will be assessed against the following quality criteria, focusing on the Swiss project rather than the overall Erasmus+ project:

  • Relevance of the project and cooperation;
  • Project design and implementation;
  • Impact, results and sustainability;
  • Budget.

A Swiss participation in an Erasmus+ "European Universities" project can only be supported if the competent European agency (EACEA) approves the funding of the Erasmus+ project at EU level.

What is the timeline for Swiss applications?

  • 06.02.2024: Erasmus+ application deadline
    20.02.2024: Swiss application deadline
  • End of June 2024 (expected): Communication of the Erasmus+ results
  • August until December 2024: Contact and contract preparation for Swiss institutions (expected) (if necessary after additional clarifications and revision of the application)

What to do in case of questions or issues?

Movetia offers full support in the application process. For further information concerning Swiss applications: highereducation@movetia.ch.