Movetia is launching a network of youth ambassadors to enhance the visibility of its exchange and cooperation programs in the youth sector. Meet the first five ambassadors who will share their experiences and be inspired by their stories.

We are delighted to announce the creation of a youth ambassador network for Movetia's youth work sector, designed to promote our programs to young people and youth workers. This network, launched during our annual event "Everything in Exchange" on June 19 in Bern, is composed of five enthusiastic ambassadors who will be active until the end of December 2024.

Three ambassadors are youth workers who have already implemented several mobility and cooperation projects with Movetia funding:

  • Melanie Fröhlich (Swiss National Youth Council)
  • Cosima Oesch (Jugendarbeit Kerzers)
  • Christophe Studer (Fondation Ton sur Ton). 

Two ambassadors are former European Voluntary Service volunteers who wish to raise awareness of this program among young adults: Mariam Naoui (Claims Manager at an insurance company) and Geneviève Meuwly (Social Work student at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences).

Discover their inspiring testimonies in the videos below, follow them on social media, and ask them your questions about their experiences.

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