If you are interested in a training course, please contact Movetia. Once it has been confirmed that you may participate, please submit your application using the link of the course. The organising national agency is responsible for selecting course participants. As the agency for Switzerland (which is regarded as a third country under the Swiss program for Erasmus+), Movetia can recommend candidates. However, participation cannot be guaranteed if there are many applications.
Participants are responsible for organising their own outward and return travel. They must choose the lowest-cost option using public transport (economy-class air or second-class rail travel). Before booking, approval of the travel arrangements must be obtained from Movetia. In order for travel costs to be reimbursed, any possible additional stay must last no longer than the course itself. If the stay is longer, no travel costs will be reimbursed.
For the purposes of course evaluation and reimbursement of travel costs, participants should send a short report and the original receipts (boarding pass, invoices, public transport tickets, etc.) within 30 days of the end of the training course. Anyone producing a more comprehensive report (with blog entries videos or articles, for example), will be rewarded with a reduction in their personal contribution. Please contact Movetia if you are interested in the latter option.