Taking part in a European training course of Youth in Action is an opportunity for anyone who would like to network in youth work in the whole of Europe or wants to implement international projects or discuss everyday issues of youth work with colleagues from all over Europe. The options offered are extremely varied and taking part is straightforward and inexpensive.

What are Youth in Action training courses?

Youth in Action offers reasonably-priced training courses for people involved in youth work and/or wishing to carry out projects with young people (adolescents or young adults). The two to four-day courses take place in European countries. They are a source of support in planning and carrying out projects as well as in daily work in the youth sphere. They can be subject-based (e. g. integration, participation, environmental education), specific to a region (e.g. the Mediterranean region, the Balkans, East Europe) or perhaps project-related (e.g. preparation of youth exchanges, mentoring volunteers).

What are the requirements for participation?

The training courses are aimed at different target groups and the requirements vary according to what is offered. In principle, the minimum age of 18 applies. An exception may be made for some courses, subject to written consent from the parents. In addition to interest and motivation, the willingness to pass on what they have learned or to implement it in their own project, e.g. with Youth in Action, is important. Most courses are held in English. However, some courses are also offered in German or French.

What costs are covered?

Travel and participation costs are paid by Movetia, minus a contribution to the costs from the participant of CHF 80.-.

Insurance (health, accident, personal liability) is the responsibility of the participants. 

If you are interested in a training course, please contact Movetia. 

Current courses

01.10.2024 – 06.10.2024, Bucharest, Romania
The Power of Non Formal Education
Application Deadline: 18.08.2024

15.10. – 19.10.2024, Oslo, Norway
Tuning In: to learning in youth work
Application Deadline: 01.09.2024

10.11. –  14.11.2024, Bulgaria
Peer-to-Peer Mental Health Support
Application Deadline: 01.10.2024

22.10.2024 – 27.102024, Novi Sad, Serbia
Make the Move for Green Inclusion III – Partnership-building activity
Application Deadline: 06.09.2024

11.11. – 15.11.2024, Vilnius Grand Resort, Lithuania
Connect for Inclusion - Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps – What’s in it for young people with disabilities?
Application Deadline: 02.09.2024

25.11.2024 – 29.11.2024, Bern, Switzerland
Opening up youth work towards young people with a disability
Application Deadline: 11.09.2024

Looking for a specific course?
The European Training Calendar lists all courses. The Youth in Action team supports interested persons in their search for a suitable offer.


+41 31 303 22 03
