31 March 2021

At a growing number of secondary schools it is possible to obtain a bilingual certificate. The implementation of bilingual teaching takes on different forms depending on the individual school. A symposium, organised by Movetia and the ZEM CES (the Swiss Centre for Secondary Level Education), will provide an overview of bilingual educational programmes in Switzerland and offer a forum for dialogue between professionals in bilingual education to exchange their experiences, share good practice models, and discuss the impact of exchange and mobility projects.

Finishing the upper secondary level with the additional qualification “bilingual” becomes ever more popular: in 2019, 154 of 166 Swiss baccalaureate schools (Gymnasium) were offering a bilingual qualification, which accounts for 17% of the total diploma qualifications. There is also a growing demand for bilingual models at upper-secondary specialised schools (FMS).

But how is bilingual teaching conducted? How are the criteria for bilingual school-leaving certificates, as defined by the Swiss Matura Commission (SMC) and the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK) respecitvely, being implemented in the schools? How are exchange projects integrated into the bilingual track, and what is their additional value?

The symposium will present inputs from experts and open up the dialogue between players at upper secondary level. It is aimed at headteachers and teachers at baccalaureate schools and specialised secondary schools with bilingual programmes and at other interested parties in the secondary school sector.

Programme content:

  • Inventory of bilingual teaching, Professor Daniel Elmiger (University of Geneva)
  • Bilingualer Unterricht an Mittelschulen: de la théorie à la pratique, Dr Claudine Brohy (University of Fribourg)
  • Workshops on topics which are proposed by the participants
  • Panel debate with representatives from the worlds of politics and education

When: 31 March 2021 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Where: Online

Symposium fee: The digital meeting is free of charge.

Programm 31. März 2021

14:00 Begrüssung


Bilingualer Unterricht an Mittelschulen: de la théorie à la pratique
Dr. Claudine Brohy, Université de Fribourg


Eindrücke von Schüler*innen bilingualer Bildungsgänge


Austausch-Sessions I
Gruppendiskussionen zu verschiedenen Themen:

Innerschweizerischer Austausch im Rahmen der gymnasialen Maturität
Bilinguale Maturität und internationaler Austausch
Weiterbildungsangebote für Lehrpersonen in bilingualen Bildungsgängen
Bilingualer Unterricht im internationalen Kontext
Bilinguale Modelle an Fachmittelschulen

15:30 Pause

Austausch-Sessions II

Gruppendiskussionen zu verschiedenen Themen (siehe oben)

Fördermöglichkeiten von Austausch und Mobilität an Schulen


Austausch in bilingualen Bildungsgängen: Was braucht es, damit es gelingt?
Daniel Saraga, Moderation
Vertreter*innen VSG, KSGR, SMAK, KFMS
