Applying for project funding

Higher education institutions can apply for funds for the mobility of students and higher education staff. All Swiss universities officially accredited by the SERI as well as colleges of higher education with federally recognised education and training programmes are eligible to apply. All institutions must also obtain one-time accreditation for participation in the SEMP prior to submitting their application.

1. Step: accreditation
Institutions that have not acquired a University Charter under the European Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) can apply for a Quality Certificate (SEMP Charter) for the Swiss-European Mobility Programme. Institutions fulfilling the quality criteria of the ERASMUS University Charter are accredited to participate in the SEMP.

Accredited institutions can also team up as a consortium for the realisation of mobility projects. Such consortiums must be accredited by Movetia. Member institutions within the consortium award each other a mandate.

With the accreditation, the tertiary-level institutions gain access to the passport-protected website for the International Relations Offices of Swiss higher education institutions. This is where IRO employees can find all the necessary documents and information for carrying out the SEMP.

2. Step: submitting project proposal
Applications for funding for mobility projects can be made once a year. The funding period is 26 months starting from 1 June.

Possible partners and destinations

Within SEMP, mobility from Switzerland to any other country or from other countries to Switzerland can be financially supported. Although its name indicates exchanges between Switzerland and Europe, the Swiss-European Mobility Programme is open to all countries of the world. Higher education institutions are free to choose with which partners from other countries they wish to conclude inter-institutional agreements. Foreign partner institutions must be official higher education institutions offering a recognised degree or other recognised higher education qualifications in compliance with the laws and practices of the country in which they are based.

Partner institutions abroad must accept the general commitments and quality principles of the SEMP.

Special needs

For projects that integrate people with special needs, additional support may be requested. For further information please see the Instructions for higher education institutions and, before applying, contact the SEMP/ERASMUS team.