Cooperation agreement

The basis for an application for funding a partnership project is a cooperation between at least two partner institutions from different language regions. A corresponding agreement must be enclosed with the application.

Movetia also advocates cooperation between teacher training institutions for the organisation of mobility projects and the placement of students and interns. Collaboration can, however, also take place directly with schools and other partners. A cooperation agreement is recommended, but is no longer a compulsory part of an application.

Movetia makes templates available for voluntary use.

Submit an application

Mobility projects: any institution sending students on an internship or semester mobility can apply to Movetia for funding.

Partnership projects: one of the partner institutions takes on project management and submits an application for funding to Movetia. All Swiss universities of teacher education whose diplomas are recognised by the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK) are entitled to make an application. The application for a partnership project includes a project description (including content, objectives, impact etc.) as well as a budget and project plan (see application form).

Applications for funding can be submitted once a year (usually in spring) for both formats.

Project launch:

  • Mobility projects start on 1 June of the relevant year of application. Funded mobility projects can start between 1 June of the respective year and 30 September of the following year.
  • Partnership projects can start between 1 June and 31 December, and have a maximum duration of 24 months.

The application is submitted online via