Movetia is launching the national teacher exchange, a new pilot programme for prospective teachers. It aims to make practical experience in a foreign language-speaking classroom a part of teacher training in future.

The new mobility programme for higher education was developed on behalf of the Federal Office of Culture FOC and with the support of the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Directors of Education (EDK) and is launching in a pilot phase this spring. It is aimed at student teachers and recent graduates teaching at primary and lower secondary level, who as prospective teachers will have the opportunity to gain initial practical experience for a few weeks or for a longer period in another language region of Switzerland.

By actively shaping lessons and teaching their own mother tongue, participants can enhance their methodological competencies, improve their language skills and benefit from an intercultural experience. The programme will allow not only participants, but also students and teachers at host schools, to reap the many benefits of a mobility experience.

The mobility placements are organised by Swiss teacher training institutions. Funding applications can be submitted to Movetia online until 15 April 2019. If you are a student, interested in taking part, please contact your home teacher training institution to find out more.

Visit the new programme page on the national teacher exchange.