The new self-assessment tool from SALTO can be used to assess the competences of youth workers systematically and easily. It can be incorporated into exchange projects free of charge, easily and in a manner that is tailored entirely to participants’ and project managers’ needs.

The aim of many youth projects – especially mobility projects for youth workers – is to boost the competences of the participants. To assess the learning effects both for oneself and for the project as a whole, reflection and evaluation are essential. Movetia and SALTO now provide a simple online self-evaluation tool that can easily be incorporated into exchange projects. Participants can carry out before-and-after analyses, for example, to measure and depict the effect of a project. In this way, participants become aware of what they have learnt and in which areas further input is required. In addition, this enables the effects of the project to be communicated externally in a convincing manner.

The tool is based on the scientific Competence Model of the European Training Strategy in the Field of Youth (ETS). The tool guides users through a self-analysis on the four levels of behaviours, knowledge, skills and attitudes in the following eight competence areas:

  1. Facilitating individual and group learning in an enriching environment
  2. Designing programmes
  3. Organising and managing resources
  4. Collaborating successfully in teams
  5. Communicating meaningfully with others
  6. Displaying intercultural competence
  7. Networking and advocating
  8. Developing evaluative practices to assess and implement appropriate change

At present, the tool is only available in English. It is free of charge, however, and it is also possible to use only parts of the tool. Please try it out here.