Did you miss the 2021 Movetia conference? Not to worry; here is a selection of 10 essential sentences. 

  1. «Die Schweiz kann ihre Spitzenposition im weltweiten Innovationswettstreit nur halten, wenn wir die internationale Mobilität und Offenheit weiterfördern.» (15:30)
    Joseph Widmer, Acting Director of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) reminded us immediately of the challenges and advantages of exchanges and mobility.  
  2. «Mit dem Zugewinn an politischer Bedeutung, ist ein kontinuierlicher Aufbau der finanziellen Mittel zur Förderung des schulischen Austauschs zwischen den Sprachregionen der Schweiz einhergegangen; Wir sind noch weit weg von den Milliarden des SBFI, aber ich träume von ein paar Millionen trotzdem.» (24:22)
    With these words, Isabelle Chassot, Director of the Federal Office of Culture (FOC), underlined the growing importance being given to national exchanges, which harness the cultural variety of Switzerland and contribute to national cohesion.  
  3.  «Wir wollen eine Vollassozierung an diesen Programmen.» (34:13)
    Susan Hardmeier, Secretary General of the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Directors of Education (EDK/CDIP), thus summarised the position of SERI and the cantons: the advantages that can be derived from the Erasmus+ and Horizon Europe programmes seemed clear to the speakers as the afternoon commenced. An innovative Switzerland, which has its place at the heart of international cooperation networks, that’s the way to go! 
  4. «Une langue, c’est bien plus que des mots, c’est une façon de penser, une façon de dire le monde.» (1:03:55)
    Gilles Marchand explained to us how the SSR-SRG programmes were designed. He underlined the importance of knowing how to adapt to the different cultural frameworks, in order to foster fruitful collaborations. Exchanges and mobility contribute directly to the acquisition of these intercultural skills. Moreover, SSR-SRG plans to launch an exchange programme for vocational training apprentices within the company.
  5. «Tous les jeunes n’ont pas les mêmes chances de devenir mobiles.» (1:21:52)
    Past experiences, income, social class, how well the family regards education, the level of training … and gender (the last Movetia podcast deals with this question of gender and exchanges). These are all factors that determine the mobility of young people. 
  6. «Ça apprend à se connaitre soi-même.» (1:34:12).
    Yasmine Incici took part in a mobility programme in Belgium and deepened her self-understanding as a result. 
  7. «Ich habe meinen ganz persönlichen Horizont extrem erweitern können, das Verständnis für andere Kulturen.» (1: 35:06)
    Jana Föcker gave us the opportunity to take a look at what she gained from her stay in Sweden.  
  8. «L’objectif est d’arriver, à un moment donné, qu’on ne doive plus justifier pourquoi on a fait un échange, mais pourquoi on n’en a pas fait.» (1:47:15)
    Olivier Tschopp explained what Movetia understands by the “culture of exchanges and mobility”, and offers 5 hypotheses for establishing it more quickly.
  9. «They are change agents, young people, who emerge, start doing things differently, they start learning, and working, and connecting in different ways. And these are the lead learners.» (2:16:34)
    These young people are the architects of the future and they are connected; they network in a way that is completely new, explained Cristina Riesen.
  10. «Wir müssen den Austausch im Volksschule Bereich ein Platz geben der etabliert ist.» (2:35:11)
    This conclusion by Ms Dagmar Rösler, President of LCH (Dachverband Lehrerinnen und Lehrer Schweiz / umbrella organisation of teachers in Switzerland), applies to all educational sectors, from primary school to university, and not forgetting vocational education and training.