In addition to internationalisation, the discussions focused on digitalisation, sustainability, Covid-19 and other relevant research projects related to the current changes in higher education.
By fostering scientific exchange and establishing collaborations in Switzerland and internationally, the REHES network aims to raise awareness of higher education and science research in Switzerland.
The internationalisation of our higher education system is a core element of our education policy and will become increasingly important in view of the current geopolitical situation. In recent years, higher education institutions have emphasised the international aspect in their strategies. In addition to exchange and cooperation projects, new approaches in internationalisation are increasingly being developed and implemented.
Apart from interdisciplinarity, the intercultural dimension of the curriculum will play an important role. How will such approaches be implemented at Swiss universities? How does internationalisation affect the quality of our education system? Research data is needed to find answers to such questions and to get a comprehensive picture of how such developments affect our higher education system. Movetia's plea states that by addressing the implications of this change, academia will have a greater impact on the discourse surrounding the internationalisation of education.