Monday, 20 February

As part of their study tour of Switzerland, a delegation of Mongolian education experts visited Movetia. The exchange about the potential of mobility and cooperation projects and possible forms of future cooperation was met with great interest on both sides.

A Mongolian delegation consisting of high-ranking members of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Environment and Tourism and the National Education Research Institute presented their SDC-supported project on education for sustainable development in schools in Mongolia at the SDC's International Cooperation Forum in Geneva. The Mongolian delegation took advantage of its stay in Switzerland to exchange views on possible forms of cooperation with educational institutions and funding organisations in the field of international (educational) cooperation and education for sustainable development (ESD). 

Education for Sustainable Development
In Mongolia, too, education is a key factor for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda, which is why the concept of Education for Sustainable Development is to be firmly anchored in the Mongolian education system. As part of a reorientation of the Mongolian education strategy with a deeper focus on sustainable development, the Mongolian delegation is seeking an active exchange with education experts in Switzerland and other European countries in order to draw inspiration from their expertise: How can basic education in schools be more strongly oriented towards promoting sustainable development in Mongolia at the ecological, economic and social levels? 

Interest in exchanges with Swiss education actors
As part of their study trip, the delegation from Mongolia visited Movetia and got to know the working methods of the national agency for exchange, mobility and cooperation in Switzerland. Movetia's networking activities and funding offers in the field of international mobility and cooperation projects was met with great interest among the visitors from Mongolia. The discussion revealed great potential for future cooperation with Swiss educational institutions, for example in the exchange and transfer of know-how in the area of teacher training and decentralised school management.