Is your organisation interested in hosting European volunteers and thus benefiting from support for your activities and an enriching intercultural exchange? All important information is summarised on this page and can be found in more detail in the Programme Guide.

Which organisations can participate in the programme?

Any organisation/institution wishing to participate in the EVS programme must be accredited in order to guarantee the quality of the EVS placements and their implementation in accordance with the quality criteria described in the Programme Guide

Swiss organisations can be accredited for two roles:

  • Hosting Organisation: applies for funding (unless if working in collaboration with a coordinating organisation) and organises the arrival of young volunteers in Switzerland from A to Z for its own institution. 
  • Coordinating organisation: organisation that applies for funding from Movetia on behalf of several organisations. It defines the division of tasks with all the organisations involved and manages the grants.

A third role, that of the sending organisation, is assumed by an organisation that works in collaboration with Movetia and deals with funding applications, and by Movetia for the concrete organisation of the mobilities and the support to the volunteers during their volunteering.

The following institutions and organisations domiciled in Switzerland may apply for accreditation under the EVS programme:

  • Non-profit organisations, non-governmental organisations (NGOs)
  • Corporations under public law active at local, regional or national level
  • Social enterprises
  • Umbrella organisations, regional networks
  • Companies that are sensitive to the principle of social responsibility (Corporate Social Responsibility)

European organisations wishing to host Swiss volunteers must be accredited for the European Solidarity Corps programme. The list of accredited European organisations can be found on this website.

How does the accreditation process work?

Interested organisations fill in the online accreditation form. Afterwards, one or two interviews are organised with EVS experts commissioned by Movetia. The steps and duration of the accreditation process are described in detail in the programme guide
If the accreditation is approved, the organisation can then apply for funding for the planned mobilities. 

How does a funding application work?

Only institutions or organisations domiciled in Switzerland and accredited for the EVS programme can apply to Movetia for funding for EVS mobilities. 
The deadlines for applying for funding can be found at the top right of this page.
The funding application is to be completed online via a link sent by Movetia to the accredited organisations. 
Detailed information on funding applications, grants, the administrative aspects of the project and the promotion and dissemination of results can be found in the guide.

How can Swiss EVS organisations find volunteers?

Swiss hosting organisations are responsible for finding volunteers to carry out an EVS in their organisation. Therefore, they should promote their open positions through their organisation's international networks. If an organisation does not have an international network, it is possible to participate in a European training course to facilitate contacts with European organisations. 
Movetia has created a matching platform, Match and Move EVS, which allows hosting organisations to publish their volunteering opportunities. Interested young people can then apply directly via the platform. Movetia advertises the platform via its own networks.The selection of the volunteers is done by the hosting organisation.

How is the volunteers' learning monitored and its outcomes recognised?

The European Voluntary Service programme is a training programme. In order to ensure the monitoring and recognition of the volunteers' learning, several measures are put in place:

  • Training seminars for the volunteers: Movetia organises three types of seminars for the volunteers. Pre-Departure training, On-arrival training and Midterm-Evaluation. Participation in these seminars is compulsory. 
  • Monitoring by the tutor: The hosting organisation must appoint a contact person (=tutor) to supervise the volunteer at the place of volunteering. This person supports the volunteers in their daily tasks, monitors their learning process and the development of their personal project.
  • Certificate of participation: In order to allow the recognition of the learnings made during an EVS, Movetia has created a model certificate of participation for volunteers. The certificate can be filled in at the end of the volunteering by the volunteer and his/her tutor via this link (the link will be added at a later date).

Next application deadlines

1st deadline: 5th March 2024, Project start 01.06.2024

2nd deadline: 8th October 2024, Project start 01.12.2024



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