The following priorities apply when evaluating applications:

First priority:

  • Internships in Europe during the training programme
  • Worldwide learning mobilities for teachers / trainers, etc.
  • Thematic project work in Europe during the training programme

Second priority: 

  • Internships outside Europe during the training programme

Third priority:

  • Internships after the training programme
  • Thematic project work outside Europe

General conditions for applicants

The call for proposals for international mobility projects in VET takes place twice a year. Please note our deadlines (see right column).

To apply for funding, consider the following steps:

  1. Read and follow the guide to get all information relevant to a successful project.
  2. Make sure that the submitting institution and the planned activities meet the award criteria.
  3. Complete the application form "Swiss Programme on Erasmus+ : Vocational Education and Training" via MyMovetia and submit the completed application form in full and by the deadline.
  4. Whe you submit your application, you will receive the date for the kick-off event. At this event, the representatives of the approved projects will receive information on project implementation. Please reserve this date.

From the project idea to the submission of the application

You want to implement a mobility project with partners abroad for individuals or groups: We have prepared a guide for you that follows the following process steps and contains all project-relevant information for applying for funding.

Finding project ideas and partners abroad

For inspiration, best practice, content input and partner search, please see the following information:

  • Best practice and inputs: practical examples in words and pictures of ongoing or already implemented international mobility projects filterable by education level and funding programme.
  • Funded projects: List of funded international mobility projects by education level.
  • International partner search: Ideas and addresses for finding a partner abroad by educationa level.
  • Parnter requests from abroad: Publications of requests from international education actors for cooperation in an international mobility project in vocational education and training.

What support does Movetia offer?

Movetia co-finances mobilities with flat-rate contributions. The duration and location of the mobility as well as the attendance of a language course influence the total contribution per mobility according to this grant table.

  • Preparatory visits: In order to exchange ideas with the partner institution(s) on site and to concretise the project organisation, you can already sumit a grant application for preparatory visits before submitting your application. This gives you the opportunity to visit future project partners abroad, establish contacts and prepare projects. The flat-rate grants (CHF 800-1200.-) include travel costs and accomodation costs.
  • Support measures: Swiss VET institutions receive financial support to set up a coordination structure for mobility and cooperation projects. Interested organisations should contact

In addition to financial project support in the form of flat rates for travel, stay and organisation, Movetia offers individual advice and support as well as additional funding.

  • Counselling: You can request individual counselling from the VET team at any time - wheter on-site, online, by phone or in writing.
  • Newsletter: Don't miss any news and sign up for the VET newsletter.
  • Discussion forum: The discussion forum is used for exchanges with other project coordinators. Enquiries from foreign partnerns are also published in the forum.

Further information

Further information and advice on project implementation can be found in "project implementation".