
Movetia promotes and supports exchange and mobility with a variety of programmes. Different target groups in the various fields of education can benefit from them. Via the search function, find the programmes that are worth considering for your situation.


Jugendliche unterschiedlicher Sprachregionen besuchen sich gegenseitig in ihren Familien. Die Austauschpartner:innen tauchen in eine Schweizer Gastregion ein: Nicht nur die Fremdsprache wird in realen Situationen gelernt, sondern auch verschiedene Gewohnheiten entdeckt.


Mit Gleichaltrigen Ideen auszutauschen und neue Erfahrungen zu machen, fördert das Interesse der Schüler:innen an der Sprache, die sie lernen. Eine Begegnung mit einer Klasse aus einer anderen Sprachregion der Schweiz kann nach verschiedenen Szenarien ablaufen: gemeinsam durchgeführte Aktivitäten, gegenseitige Besuche, Austausch von Halbklassen oder ein Lager. Movetia unterstützt diese Begegnungen für Schüler:innen der Primarschule, der Sekundarstufe I und der Sekundarstufe II (gymnasiale Maturitätsschulen, Fachmittelschulen und Berufsbildung).

Schulen im Austausch

Lehrpersonen und Schulleiter:innen haben die Möglichkeit, Unterrichtshospitationen und/oder Lehrtätigkeiten an einer Partnerschule zu absolvieren. Ziel ist es, die Kontakte zwischen Schulen und deren Personal anzuregen sowie den Austausch von Unterrichtspraktiken, den Innovationstransfer und die Vertiefung der Sprachkompetenzen zu ermöglichen.

National Exchange in Vocational Education and Training (NABB)

Apprentices and apprenticeship graduates acquire work experience in another Swiss language region. They develop linguistically, professionally and personally. Movetia supports exchange projects between vocational schools, (apprenticeship) companies, cantonal vocational education and training offices and other related organisations.

National Teacher Exchange

Prospective teachers can strengthen their linguistic and intercultural skills with an internship or a study semester in another language region of Switzerland. Teacher training institutions can launch what are called partnership projects to increase mobility.

Swiss Programme for Erasmus+

Erasmus+ is the European Union programme for education, youth and sport and is one of the largest funding instruments for periods to be spent abroad and institutional collaboration worldwide

Swiss-European Mobility Programme (SEMP) / Erasmus

The Swiss Programme for Erasmus+ for higher education is called Swiss-European Mobility Programme SEMP. It gives Swiss higher education institutions the possibility to provide funding for students as well as for faculty and administrative staff going on a mobility abroad for studies, traineeship, training or teaching.

Youth in Action

Exchanges among young people at an international level: Youth in Action supports organisations and youth workers in various projects.  In this way, the participants widen their network, get valuable new ideas for their work and enable young people to have experiences that leave a lasting impression. 

Language assistants programme

Gathering initial professional experience as a teacher, while at the same time improving their knowledge of languages and gaining valuable intercultural experience: those are the possibilities for language assistants at host schools at home and abroad. Host schools benefit from authentic and motivating language instruction.

International Programme

The International Programme enables Swiss actors in the field of education  and youth work to implement projects aimed at networking, creating training opportunities or developing the quality of institutional processes in cooperation with European and non-European organisations.

Kantonale Programme

Einzelne Kantone betreiben Austausch- und Mobilitätsprogramme für Gruppen oder Einzelpersonen. Diese Programme richten sich an Schülerinnen und Schüler, Lernende, Lehrpersonen oder Schulen des jeweiligen Kantons und werden teilweise in Zusammenarbeit mit Partnerkantonen angeboten. Einige Angebote stehen auch anderen Kantonen offen. 

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Movetia promotes and supports exchange and mobility in initial and continuing education and training as well as in the extra-curricular field.


Project description

Alliances for innovation Higher Education

Alliances for Innovation are an Erasmus+ project format. The format encourages strategic cooperation among higher education and vocational education and training actors within the broader socio-economic environment. The focus is on enterprises and research. Necessary skills, knowledge and abilities are identified and developed with regard to labour market trends and innovation and sustainability in general and vocational education.

Alliances for innovation Vocational Education and Training

Alliances for Innovation are an Erasmus+ project format. The format encourages strategic cooperation among higher education and vocational education and training actors within the broader socio-economic environment. The focus is on enterprises and research. Necessary skills, knowledge and abilities are identified and developed with regard to labour market trends and innovation and sustainability in general and vocational education.

Austausch für alle – leicht gemacht!

Mit einer Jugendgruppe in die Romandie reisen und sich dort mit einer lokalen Jugendgruppe austauschen? Die Jugendarbeit in einem Jugendzentrum auf dem Land in einem Job Shadowing kennenlernen? Jugendliche aus eurer Organisation möchten an einem Lager einer anderen Organisation teilnehmen? Ein Study Visit im neu renovierten Jugendhaus im Tessin? Das alles und noch mehr ist möglich mit Austausch für alle – leicht gemacht! Das Pilotprogramm für nationalen ausserschulischen Austausch ermöglicht diese und andere Austauscherfahrungen innerhalb der Schweiz in den Jahren 2023 und 2024. 

Centres of Vocational Excellence

Centres of Vocational Excellence are a project format of the Erasmus+ Programme. By the "bottom-up" development process, this project format aims to promote cooperative platforms that are both nationally/locally anchored and internationally networked. Furthermore, they want to address sector-specific interests or societal challenges. Knowledge and innovation centres are to be created by involving companies (especially SMEs) in applied research projects. In addition, entrepreneurial initiatives by learners are to be supported.

Class exchange

School classes from different language regions of Switzerland meet up to immerse themselves in another culture and use a foreign language by conversing with other pupils of the same age in a fun way. Exchanging ideas and sharing experiences with their peers make learning a foreign language fun for the pupils. The class exchange funding programme supports visits from elementary, secondary and vocational school classes. As part of the class exchange funding programme and in collaboration with various institutions in the field of culture and education, Movetia is also developing new and innovative forms of theme-based exchanges between school classes within Switzerland.

Cooperation partnerships Higher Education

Cooperation partnerships are one of the Erasmus+ project formats. They make it possible for institutions of school education, vocational training, Higher education, adult education and extracurricular youth work to cooperate with partner institutions from Europe. Knowledge and experiences are exchanged and innovative approaches to education are developed in international networks. This in turn also benefits the Swiss educational landscape.

Cooperation partnerships Vocational Education and Training

Cooperation partnerships are one of the Erasmus+ project formats. They make it possible for institutions of school education, vocational training, Higher education, adult education and extracurricular youth work to cooperate with partner institutions from Europe. Knowledge and experiences are exchanged and innovative approaches to education are developed in international networks. This in turn also benefits the Swiss educational landscape.

Einzelaustausch Schüler:innen

Zeit mit Gleichaltrigen verbringen und gemeinsame Abendteuer erleben, motiviert Jugendliche sich für die Fremdsprache zu interessieren, die sie in der Schule lernen. Jugendliche aus verschiedenen Sprachregionen können während den Ferien oder der Schulzeit einen Austausch machen. Movetia unterstützt den Austausch finanziell oder durch die Vermittlung einer Austauschpartnerin oder eines Austauschpartners.

Emprender insieme

Mit Emprender insieme erleben Jugendliche der Sekundarstufen I und II einen gegenseitigen Einzelaustausch von jeweils zwei Wochen während der Schulzeit. Für Schüler:innen der Deutschschweiz kann der Austausch mit einer oder einem Schüler:in der italienischen oder rätoromanischen Schweiz stattfinden. Während des insgesamt vierwöchigen Austauschs wohnen die Schüler:innen bei der oder dem Austauschpartner:in und besuchen den Schulunterricht vor Ort.

European Continuing Education and Training

Taking part in a European training course of Youth in Action is an opportunity for anyone who would like to network in youth work in the whole of Europe or wants to implement international projects or discuss everyday issues of youth work with colleagues from all over Europe. The options offered are extremely varied and taking part is straightforward and inexpensive.

European Universities

This Erasmus+ format supports excellence projects from European university alliances. Higher education institutions throughout Europe test and establish comprehensive institutional and transnational cooperation in teaching, research, innovation and service to society. This benefits the European Higher Education Area as a whole.

European Voluntary Service

The European Voluntary Service programme offers young adults aged between 18 and 30 the opportunity to carry out a community service abroad as a volunteer and to develop new skills while enjoying an intercultural experience. Host organisations receive support for their activities and benefit from the commitment and new ideas of young volunteers.

Holiday exchange

Der Ferienaustausch bietet 11- bis 18-jährigen Jugendlichen die Möglichkeit, eine bis zwei Wochen lang in einer Familie in einer anderen Sprachregion der Schweiz zu leben. Anschliessend empfangen sie ihre Austauschpartnerin/ihren Austauschpartner in der eigenen Familie. Die angemeldeten Personen werden mit einem/einer Austauschpartner/in der gewünschten Sprachregion vermittelt. Die Jugendlichen verbringen die Zeit gemeinsam nacheinander in beiden Familien.

Inspired Teaching

In Zusammenarbeit mit der Gebert Rüf Stiftung hat Movetia das Programm Inspired Teaching entwickelt. Dieses bietet finanzielle Unterstützung, um inspirierende Austauscherfahrungen an der eigenen Institution weiterzuentwickeln.

International Mobility Vocational Education and Training

VET institutions can support their learners, recent VET graduates or VET professionals in a targeted way with a period abroad – linguistically, professionally, culturally, socially, personally.

International Mobility for Adult Education staff

Offering your staff a continuing education and training opportunity abroad means contributing to their personal and professional development. It also creates an international network of contacts that adds a new dimension to your institution. Mobility projects involve completing job-shadowing periods, continuing education and training (lectures, seminars, conferences, etc.) or teaching assignments abroad for the staff of adult education institutions.

International Mobility school education

Within the framework of mobility projects, teachers and other school staff can undertake further training, job shadowings and teaching activities in other European countries. Learning stays by pupils are also supported.

International Programme

Organisations active in the fields of formal and non-formal education in Switzerland use international cooperation projects to support networking and the exchange of experience, to develop educational opportunities and to strengthen the recognition and attractiveness of the Swiss educational system beyond its borders. 

Kantonale Programme

Einzelne Kantone betreiben Austausch- und Mobilitätsprogramme für Gruppen oder Einzelpersonen. Dieses Programme richten sich an Schülerinnen und Schüler, Lernende, Lehrpersonen oder Schulen des jeweiligen Kantons und werden teilweise in Zusammenarbeit mit Partnerkantonen angeboten. Einige Angebote stehen auch anderen Kantonen offen. 

Language Assistants Programme

Language assistants bring a breath of fresh air to classrooms. They add a new dimension to lessons with insights into the culture of their native country and, thereby, motivate pupils to learn other languages. At the same time, they gain initial professional experience and improve their own knowledge of languages. The host schools benefit from additional teaching possibilities.

Language Assistantship Abroad

A period spent abroad as a language assistant is an ideal way of improving knowledge of a foreign language and gaining experience as a teacher. Language assistants teach their mother tongue, immerse themselves in the culture of the host country and improve their knowledge of a foreign language. A stay abroad lasts between six and nine months.

Lern- und Austauschplattform Realto

Realto ist eine von der EPFL und den Verbundpartnern entwickelte Lern- und Austauschplattform, die viele Vorteile bringt.

Mobility Projects for Youth Workers

Networking and exchanges between qualified youth workers from different countries are aimed at supporting the development of quality in youth work in Switzerland.

Mobility for Higher Education: Swiss-European Mobility Programme (SEMP)

The Swiss Programme for Erasmus+ for higher education is called Swiss-European Mobility Programme SEMP. It gives Swiss higher education institutions the possibility to provide funding for students as well as for faculty and administrative staff going on a mobility abroad for studies, traineeship, training or teaching.

National Exchange in Vocational Education and Training

VET-learners, VET-graduates and upper secondary specialized school students can gain professional experience in another language region of Switzerland. They develop their professional, linguistic, personal and social skills and add that certain something to their CV. Apprentices and apprenticeship graduates benefit from funding for their stay through their educational institution.

National teacher exchange

Movetia creates a wide-ranging offer for teacher training. With various types of projects, the institutions, their (future) students and newly qualified teachers are supported in carrying out mobility activities or initiating partnership projects within Switzerland.

Nationaler Einzelaustausch

Das Programm Nationaler Einzelaustausch unterstützt Mobilitätsprojekte von Schülerinnen und Schülern von der obligatorischen Schule bis zur Sekundarstufe II finanziell, die eine Schule in einer anderen Sprachregion besuchen. Der Austausch kann von 2 Wochen bis zu einem Schuljahr dauern.

Schulen im Austausch

Lehrpersonen und Schulleiter:innen können über das Förderprogramm „Schulen im Austausch“ einfach und schnell Förderung für ihre Austausch- und Mobilitätsprojekte erhalten.

Swiss Programme for Erasmus+: Higher education

In higher education and professional education, mobility projects are mainly funded through the Swiss-European Mobility Programme SEMP. The Swiss Programme for Erasmus+ also offers opportunities to plan and implement transnational institutional partnerships and cooperations

Swiss hosting organisations

Is your organisation interested in hosting European volunteers and thus benefiting from support for your activities and an enriching intercultural exchange? All important information is summarised on this page and can be found in more detail in the Programme Guide.

Thematische Begegnungen mit Klassen

Movetia fördert thematische Begegnungsangebote und Workshops für den Klassenaustausch in der Schweiz. Diese Begegnungen werden für Lehrpersonen und ihre Klassen in Zusammenarbeit mit Partnern wie Museen, Universitäten oder anderen kulturellen Institutionen angeboten. Sie bieten den Schülerinnen und Schülern die Möglichkeit, die erlernte Sprache in einem konkreten Kontext anzuwenden und gleichzeitig an Aktivitäten teilzunehmen, die mit dem gewählten Thema in Zusammenhang stehen.

Volunteering in Europe

Would you like to do a community service in Europe and develop new skills and have an intercultural experience? This webpage will give you all the information you need about this programme and how to apply.

Volunteering in Switzerland

Do you live in a European country and want to volunteer in Switzerland? You will find here all the necessary information about the programme and how to apply.

Youth Exchange

In a Youth Exchange, young people learn how others in their age group live in other countries. With the various youth groups carrying out a joint project, fresh perspectives open up for the young people and they develop a sense of responsibility and self-confidence.

Youth and Politics

Through transnational projects in the Youth and Politics sphere, young people experience political participation and democratic processes in practice. Together with young people from other countries and with decision-makers, they discuss topics relating to youth policy.

Youth in Action

Youth in Action promotes European exchange and cross-boarder cooperation in the youth field. Youth exchanges with groups of young people from different countries, continuing training meetings all over Europe or transnational cooperation projects for the purpose of quality development Youth in Action promotes international exchange and cross-border cooperation in the youth field.