Tuesday, 29 November 22

Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about the funding programmes for international cooperation projects 2023. Do not hesitate to contact Movetia directly if you have further questions or need additional information.

1. What does Movetia understand by and promote as "International Cooperation"?

Movetia makes a basic distinction between "International Mobility" and "International Cooperation" in its international funding instruments. Programs in the area of mobility promote stays abroad by individuals or groups, primarily to achieve an effect on an individual, e.g. to expand a person's foreign language, intercultural or professional competences. As a complement to this, programs in the area of cooperation promote collaboration among organisations and institutions. These cooperation projects are intended to have a positive impact on educational programmes, educational institutions or the Swiss education system and thus contribute to the quality assurance and development of the Swiss education system. 

The funds for the "International Programme" and the "Swiss Programme on Erasmus+" come from the Swiss education budget (ERI Dispatch 2021-2024). Therefore, these programmes cannot fund development aid projects or other projects that mainly export Swiss knowledge and experience abroad. Added value for the Swiss education system must be convincingly demonstrated in every case.

Movetia also does not fund projects that implement commercial activities or whose results can subsequently be used for commercial activities.

Animation cooperation

Offers for "International Mobility" were not presented at the information event on 24.11.2022. Information on this can be found on the website of the respective educational level. 

2. What is the difference between the International Programme and the Swiss Programme on Erasmus+ for Cooperation Projects?

The International Programme supports cooperation projects coordinated by Swiss institutions. The award process (e.g. criteria and application deadline) is defined exclusively by Movetia. Movetia awards grants of up to CHF 150,000 per project for a maximum of two years.

The Swiss Erasmus+ Cooperation Project Programme supports only Swiss institutions that wish to participate in Erasmus+ cooperation projects as associated partners. Swiss coordination of Erasmus+ projects is not possible as Switzerland is not a member of the Erasmus+ programme. The Erasmus+ project must therefore be submitted by a partner institution in an Erasmus+ country to the relevant agency and respect the rules of the relevant Erasmus+ funding instrument (e.g. number and type of partner institutions, thematic priorities, funding models, deadlines, funding decision). The Erasmus+ application must describe the role and activities of associated partner institutions, e.g. from Switzerland. In contrast to institutions participating as "full partners", "associated partner institutions" do not apply for Erasmus+ funds but finance themselves elsewhere. A Swiss institution can apply to Movetia for Swiss funding in parallel to the Erasmus+ application if it wants to participate as an "associated partner institution". However, the actual European cooperation project is not supported by these funds. Only if the overall project is supported by Erasmus+ is the Swiss project also eligible for funding in principle.

The different Erasmus+ funding lines for international cooperation, e.g. Cooperation Partnerships, each have their own funding logic.
In the Erasmus+ funding format "Cooperation Partnerships", for example, at least three European institutions from three different Erasmus+ countries must participate. The Collaborative Partnerships receive Erasmus+ funding of EUR 120 000, EUR 250 000 or EUR 400 000 and last between one and three years. 

For projects under both programmes, the institutions involved in the Swiss project must contribute at least 40% of the total project budget. Further co-financing, e.g. via funding agencies in the countries of the foreign partner institutions, is permitted (for Erasmus+ projects, in compliance with Erasmus+ rules). In the International Programme, for example, it is possible to implement smaller projects as well as more ambitious ones that are financed not only by Movetia funding but also by other third-party funding. 
Swiss applications under both programmes must also contribute to the same Swiss objectives and promise added value for Switzerland.

3. Who can submit an application for an International Cooperation Project to Movetia?

The same rules apply to the "International Programme" and the "Swiss Programme to Erasmus+": In particular, the following institutions and organisations in the education sector based in Switzerland are eligible to apply:

  • compulsory schools;
  • vocational schools;
  • organisations in the world of work;
  • general education schools at upper secondary level;
  • Colleges of higher education;
  • higher education institutions;
  • Non-formal education institutions and organisations that provide continuing education;
  • organisations involved in extracurricular youth work.

An application is always submitted by a single, coordinating Swiss institution. Several Swiss organisations (together with at least one foreign organisation) can also participate in a project under the "International Programme". Often this even promises a particular added value for Switzerland in terms of broad support for the project and dissemination of the results. 

New organisations are in principle eligible for funding, but the foundation must have been completed at the time of application. Depending on the type of organisation, you may need to submit additional documents (e.g. statutes, balance sheet). Information on this can be found in the programme guides. 2.

4. Is it possible that an application for funding in the context of an associated participation in an Erasmus+ project is rejected by Movetia?

Yes, this is possible in principle. There are three main reasons:

  • If an Erasmus+ project is rejected at EU level, the Swiss application cannot be approved either. 
  • If the added value of Swiss participation for Switzerland is not convincingly demonstrated, the project can also be rejected. 
  • In general, we expect significantly increased competition for Swiss funding for international educational cooperation, as promoted by Movetia, in the coming years. The increased demand in this area is not yet covered by the current ERI budget. 

5. Is it possible to carry out a project under the International Programme that lasts less than 24 months?

Yes. The project duration under the International Programme can be freely chosen.
However, for cooperation projects under the Swiss Erasmus+ Programme, the duration of the Swiss project must be the same as the duration of the overall Erasmus+ project. The start date must also be the same as for the Erasmus+ project.

6. What are the funding rates of the different funding instruments?

The funding rate for the international programme has been around 50% in recent years across all areas. 

The funding rate of Swiss participation in Erasmus+ projects as associated partners depends on the funding rate of Erasmus+ (see Erasmus+ Annual Reports e.g. Erasmus+ Annual Report 2020).. If a project is funded at EU level, the funding rate of applications submitted to Movetia has so far been almost 100%. 

As stated above, the funding rate may be lower in some education sectors in the coming years.

7. How can the funding be divided between the Swiss and foreign institutions participating in the project?

Under the International Programme, Movetia funding can be shared between all participating institutions, Swiss and international. However, it is important that the cooperation takes place on an equal footing. This means that ideally the foreign institutions also contribute to the costs, for example by funding their staff involved in the project. These foreign contributions can be counted towards the minimum 40 % own funds. The contributions of the participating institutions can be in the form of money, hours of work, provision of premises, etc. 

The funds for cooperation under the Swiss Erasmus+ programme are intended for the participation of Swiss partner institutions in a European project and are accordingly aimed exclusively at Swiss institutions. The European institutions are supported by European funding.

Who should I contact if I am not sure which Movetia programme my project best fits into?

You will find a list of contacts in the introductory presentation of the information event on 24.11.2022.

You are also welcome to send an email to international@movetia.ch, ideally with a short description of the project idea or the educational area in which they would like to work within a future project.

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